IACBE Regional Assemblies:
Advancing Business Education
Locally and Globally

Fostering Collaboration, Innovation, and Excellence Through Regional Partnerships

Regional Assemblies are the cornerstone of IACBE’s collaborative network, bringing together member institutions to advance excellence in business education at both local and international levels. These dynamic communities facilitate professional development, best practice sharing, and networking opportunities that strengthen our global mission of educational excellence.

Led by dedicated regional teams working closely with IACBE’s Board of Directors, each Assembly addresses unique regional needs while maintaining global quality standards. Through regular conferences, workshops, and collaborative initiatives, member institutions actively participate in shaping the future of business education while fostering innovation in their local educational environments.

Region 1: New England

Coverage: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont
Tom Barron
Vice President:
Jacqueline Jamsheed
Santiago Umaschi
Susan Weiss
Regional Director:
Bonnie Kennedy

Region 2: Middle States

Coverage: Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia

Region 7: Northwest

Coverage: Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming

Region 8: Western

Coverage: American Samoa, Arizona, California, Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, Guam, Hawaii, Nevada, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, Utah

Region 12: African

Coverage: Africa