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About the IACBE


The mission of the IACBE is to advance academic quality in business programs through evidence-based accreditation that encourages institutions to build unique educational models to reflect their mission and vision.


To be the business program accreditor of choice for teaching-oriented institutions of higher education globally.

Core Values


A culture of collaboration and cooperation in advancing academic quality in business education

Developmental Philosophy
An emphasis on continuous improvement and a shared journey toward excellence in business education


An unwavering focus on service to our members

Statement on Diversity and Inclusion

IACBE supports and encourages the diverse attributes of each of our member institutions as evidenced by their faculty, students, administration, and communities. We believe that excellence in business education requires respecting and valuing the unique characteristics, attributes, and perspectives of all stakeholders in the educational process and results in graduates who possess the knowledge and skills to meet the needs of the future business environment. It is our goal to work together with each of our member institutions to build a unique educational model that reflects the institution’s mission and vision, while advancing academic quality

Broad-Based Goals

The IACBE pursues a set of broad strategic goals that are instrumental in the accomplishment of its mission and vision. These goals are to:

  • provide a forum for promoting excellence in business education in institutions of higher education throughout the world;
  • develop and promulgate accreditation principles and processes for advancing academic quality and excellence in business education;
  • promote continuous improvement in business programs through outcomes assessment and other quality assurance processes, thereby benefiting our members, higher education, and the public;
  • establish continuing relationships with individuals and groups who are interested in promoting excellence in business education, including business and industry, government agencies, professional associations, and other organizations throughout the world;
  • promote innovation and creativity in teaching and learning through sharing of best practices in business education and assisting in the professional development of business educators;
  • serve as a resource for members and the public regarding issues in business education and accreditation;
  • provide beneficial services to members;
  • assist academic business units in benchmarking through sharing best practices in business education, and providing research and information;
  • facilitate the globalization of business education by promoting awareness, understanding, and cooperation among academic business units worldwide;
  • promote ethical practices in business and business education.