
Emergency Virtual Site Visit Policy



Emergency Virtual Site Visit Policy

Virtual site visits may be conducted during the period of the emergency for reaffirmation of accreditation. Virtual site visits may be allowed for first-time accreditation and for candidacy at the discretion of the IACBE Board of Commissioners.  All virtual visits will require a follow-up in-person visit (though not necessarily a full site visit team) to verify information gained during the virtual site visit. The follow-up visit must be conducted within a reasonable period of time following the virtual site visit. The Board of Commissioners may determine that a recent visit to the institution by a staff member, peer mentor, or Commissioner may substitute for the required follow-up in-person visit.

All virtual site visits must utilize a synchronous, engaged, interactive format rather than solely document reviews or exchanges of emails. The site visit team’s responsibilities will be the same as an in-person site visit and the team will submit the site visit evaluation form within 7-10 days following the virtual site visit.

Site Visit Procedure

Virtual evaluations must make use of technology to provide for synchronous interaction between the site visit team members and representatives of the academic business unit in an engaged, interactive format. The site visit agenda, expectations for discussion, opportunities for follow-up and documentation requirements for the virtual site visit will be comparable to a face-to-face site visit. The virtual site visit team will review the self-study and supporting materials as well as conduct the virtual site visit to determine the academic business unit’s and the program’s compliance with the IACBE Accreditation Principles and will document the action findings, recommendations, and recognition’s in the site visit evaluation form.

Verification Visit Procedure

The on-site verification visits will be scheduled as soon as practicable after the virtual site visit. The IACBE will work with the academic business unit and site visitors to set dates for the verification visit.

The verification visit will verify the findings of the virtual site visit team, for example, validating areas that customarily require on-site inspection. If off-campus location visits are required, they will be conducted in concert with the verification visit. Verification visits will be conducted by at least one of the original site visit team members. Under extenuating circumstances, another qualified site team member may be substituted for an original team member. The IACBE will provide the verification visitor with the same information provided to the original site visit team along with the team findings and if available, the Board of Commissioners letter. The verification visitor is not expected to review and validate every accreditation principle, but rather to verify that the information provided during the virtual site visit is substantiated. The verification site visitor will complete the verification form and submit the form to the IACBE office for review. The results of the verification site visit will be provided to the Board of Commissioners for their review and action at the next meeting.  If the Commissioners have already granted accreditation or candidacy, they will determine whether to accept the virtual visit report and affirm their accreditation decision or to require additional information or reporting from the academic business unit. If the Commissioners have not made a decision on accreditation or candidacy, the verification visit information will be included in their review and decision.

The Board of Commissioners may require a verification visit for an academic business unit that underwent a virtual site visit between March 1, 2020 and the date this policy is approved.

Please Note: There is no base fee associated with a verification visit, however institutions will be invoiced for the travel and honoraria expenses of the verification visit team.

All other IACBE policies related to the program accreditation process, changes in accreditation status, reporting requirements, third-party complaints, conflicts related to jurisdiction, and requests for reconsideration of board decisions will remain the same unless specifically detailed above.


Due to an abundance of caution, this policy will remain in effect through December 31, 2020 unless otherwise amended by the Board of Commissioners.

Approved by the IACBE Board of Commissioners on :   May 13, 2020

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