Become a Member

Benefits of Membership

Higher education organizations join the IACBE for two main reasons – They believe in the mission and goals of the IACBE and they receive benefits from being a member.

The mission of the IACBE is to advance academic quality in business programs through evidence-based accreditation that encourages institutions to build unique educational models to reflect their mission and vision.

A major benefit of IACBE membership is the quality assurance process that can lead to business program accreditation for members who choose to pursue this option.

In addition, there are benefits that are available to all of our members, regardless of their accreditation status. These benefits are designed to promote and to support continuous quality improvement and the IACBE mission.

Access to Member Only Resources

IACBE members receive access to the IACBE Member Only resource library that is not available to the general public.

Mentoring and Consulting Services

IACBE members receive access to a variety of mentoring and consulting services.

Professional Development Opportunities

IACBE members receive access to a variety of professional development and leadership opportunities.

Discounts on IACBE Services and Products

IACBE members receive reduced rates for IACBE conferences and workshops as well as reduced rate for mentoring and consulting services.

IACBE members receive access to the IACBE Member Only resource library that is not available to the general public.

The IACBE Member Only resource library includes a variety of tools to assist with preparing an outcomes assessment plan and developing a self-study. In addition, special topic articles related to outcomes assessment and accreditation are available to IACBE members. Topics include:
  • Bloom’s Taxonomy and Writing Intended Student Learning Outcomes
  • Rubric Component Guide
  • Sample surveys and Rubrics
  • Checklist for Writing Intended Student Learning Outcomes
In addition, current materials from the workshops are available.

IACBE members receive access to a variety of mentoring and consulting services

The IACBE conducts a variety of workshops to help members to prepare for accreditation, to develop a strategic plan, or for curriculum and program improvement. Services include on-site workshops for accreditation, special topic workshops, and customized workshops.
Workshop Topics include:

  • Developing an Outcomes Assessment Plan
  • Writing the Self-Study
  • Compliance with IACBE Reporting Requirements
  • Integrating Employability Skills into Business Programs
  • Writing Intended Student Learning Outcomes and Rubric Development
  • Developing a Strategic Plan for your Business Unit

IACBE members receive access to a variety of professional development and leadership opportunities.

The IACBE is a member led organization that provides a variety of professional development and leadership opportunities to its members at reduced rates.

Professional development opportunities include:

  • Attending the Annual Conference and Assembly Meeting (ACAM)
  • Attending a Regional Assembly Conference
  • Submitting a paper to the IACBE’s peer-reviewed Journal for Advancing Business Education (JABE)
  • Presenting a paper at the ACAM or at a regional conference
  • Attending the  Accreditation Institute
  • Leading a workshop
  • Participating in the Dean’s Roundtable
Leadership opportunities include:
  • Serving on the Board of Directors
  • Serving on the Board of Commissioners
  • Serving as a regional officer
  • Mentoring a school seeking accreditation
  • Serving as a site team visit chair or team member
  • Serving on an advisory committee

IACBE members receive reduced rates for IACBE conferences and workshops as well as a reduced rate for mentoring and consulting services.

As a thank-you for your membership, the IACBE offers a reduced registration rate for the Annual Conference and Assembly Meeting (ACAM), special pricing packages for attendance at workshops, and reduced rates for mentor and consulting visits.