Training Schedule
The IACBE Interim Quality Assurance Report due date is November 1st, and the year due is determined by your accreditation period. Please contact your liaison if you are unsure of your IQAR due date. If your IQAR is due in 2024, it will require data and analysis of implementation of the Outcomes Assessment Plan during the 2023-24 academic year.
This free virtual training will include a presentation that goes through each section of the report and an opportunity for a question-and-answer session, as well as interaction and best practice sharing with each other. We also offer regular Open Forum Q&A sessions in which you may join at any time to ask any accreditation or compliance question you may have.
Monday, May 20, 9am CT
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 884 7099 2162
Passcode: 676246
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