Privacy Policy

When an academic business unit becomes a member of the IACBE, it agrees to the disclosure of its accreditation status, including disclosure of the extent to which its business programs are in compliance with the IACBE’s Accreditation Principles. The disclosure of this information assists external stakeholders, such as students, parents, and the general public, in making appropriate educational decisions.

Other information provided to the IACBE during the accreditation process is confidential, and the IACBE makes every reasonable effort to protect that confidentiality. Such information will be disclosed to outside parties only when disclosure is required by law. In such cases, the IACBE’s legal counsel will be involved in the decision to disclose accreditation information publicly.

Only site visit team members, staff, and commissioners of the IACBE may review confidential institutional and academic business unit information. The IACBE requires these individuals to abide by this confidentiality requirement.

The IACBE makes every reasonable effort to avoid conflicts of interest. Site visit team members are excluded from involvement in the accreditation process for academic business units in which they have had, or might foresee having, a professional or personal conflict of interest. Members of the IACBE Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners are required to recuse themselves from discussions, deliberations, or decisions about their own academic business units or other academic business units where a conflict of interest might exist.

Site visit team members understand their ethical responsibilities pertaining to conduct before, during, and after accreditation site visits. Matters pertaining to an accreditation site visit are not discussed in public and are treated confidentially.

IACBE policy requires that each site visit team member maintain the confidentiality of all IACBE accreditation materials (e.g., self study, site visit reports, etc.). While such materials can be disseminated throughout the institution, as appropriate, they should not be shared with outside parties without the approval of the IACBE.

EU Data Regulations & Data Protection Contact

In case of concern, please contact Kim Caedo,

Your individual privacy is important to us. To that end:

What we do with your data: Your data is used to send email and postal messages to you. It may be used to contact you via telephone.

How we look after your data: We secure your data using a secure sockets layer (SSL), a standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a server and a client—typically a web server (website) and a browser.

Why we need your data: Your data is used for normal business transactions in accordance with your request. Additionally, we provide additional marketing and sales messages to you that are based on your prior interest in our products and services. You may always opt out of any contact with us.

How long we need it: We keep your information as long as it is reasonable to assume you are still interested in our products and services.

What your rights are: At any time, please use our unsubscribe tool and we’ll stop contacting you. You also have the right to erase your personally identifiable information from our system, once it is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was originally collected. Contact our Data Protection Contact to view your information (this may take up to one month), and object to any individual use of your information. You have the right to change your information at any time, with changes taking place no later than one month.