Accreditation Process and Requirements

Candidacy Status Process

For the business programs of an academic business unit to be considered for Candidacy Status by the IACBE, the academic business unit must follow the process summarized below:

Be an IACBE Educational Member in good standing
Submit Candidacy Application Part I
(available in the member’s only resources tab)
Pay applicable application fee
Attend the IACBE Accreditation Institute
Submit a completed Candidacy Application Part II
(available in the member’s only resources tab)
Participate in a technical review with your IACBE Liaison
Undergo a candidacy visit
Receive and respond to the Report of Findings from the candidacy visit
Undergo Candidacy review by the IACBE Board of Commissioners
Board of Commissioners makes decision whether to approve Candidacy status

Candidacy Requirements

The purpose of becoming a candidate for accreditation (also referred to as candidacy status) is to provide the academic business unit with an opportunity to prepare itself to be in compliance with the IACBE’s Accreditation Principles, to develop a comprehensive self-study, and to undergo a site visit conducted by a team of professional peer reviewers from the members of the IACBE.

In order for an academic business unit to be considered for candidacy status and for its business programs to be eligible for accreditation by the IACBE, the academic business unit must:

Step 1

  1. Be an IACBE Educational Member in good standing.
  2. Submit Candidacy Application Part I, (available in the “Member Resources” section) including:
    1. Evidence that the institution grants business degrees at the U.S.-equivalent of the associate, bachelor, master, or doctoral level.
    2. Evidence that the institution has current institutional accreditation/recognition from a recognized institutional accrediting agency, or from the recognition agency appropriate to its geographic region, and that the accreditation/recognition is in good standing.

Step 2

  1. Have at least one class of graduates from each business program to be considered for accreditation eligibility prior to submission of the Application for First-Time Accreditation.
  2.  Attend the IACBE Accreditation Institute prior to the submission of the Application for Candidacy Part II.
  3. Submit a current and complete Outcomes Assessment Plan (OAP). The OAP must include all business programs for which specialized accreditation is being sought and meet all current IACBE expectations and requirements.
  4. Submit a completed Candidacy Application Part II (available in the “Member Resources” section). More information regarding the application is available on the IACBE website under Resources > Member Resources.
  5. Pay the relevant application fee.

Step 3

  1. Undergo a candidacy visit by an IACBE representative.
  2. Respond to the Report of Findings from the candidacy visit.

Step 4

Have the application, OAP, site visit Report of Findings, and response to the Report of Findings reviewed by the IACBE Board of Commissioners.

A candidate for accreditation is not allowed to claim or imply accreditation by the IACBE. Candidate for Accreditation of Business Programs is the first step in the accreditation process. The purpose of obtaining Candidate for Accreditation status (Candidacy) is to provide as opportunity to prepare a demonstration of the business-related programs’ compliance with the IACBE’s Accreditation Principles through the development of a comprehensive self-study, implementation of an assessment plan, and on-site peer review. Upon achievement of Candidacy status, publication of the Candidacy status will be allowed – but only in accordance with the prescribed IACBE policies. If candidacy status is granted, it will cover a time period not to exceed five years.